About us
India is a very diverse country with many regional languages, food, and traditions. We are fortunate that the ICC of Southern Tier has representation from various parts of the country making it very rich in culture. It is also growing fast with many new and young families moving into the area.
ICC is a registered 501c(3) organization and all contributions are tax-deductible. We have events (religious, cultural and educational) throughout the year. These events are open to members and non-members alike, some free and some ticketed.
The highlight of the past twelve months was India Day, Diwali Dhamaka, and Holi etc... It was exciting to have Binghamton and surrounding area community as well as Binghamton University International Students join in our festivities and exhibit their talents. Many other events were hosted by ICC showcasing regional cuisines.
We encourage families to consider becoming a member/volunteer, participant/sponsor for our many events throughout the year. These funds help us with running the organization, subsidize tickets for events, and help meet our building expenses. Our main hall and the annex are available for renting for your private events. Please visit this page for more information.
“Athithi devo bhava” – “Guest is our God” is something Indians truly believe in. Thank you for visiting our website and spending sometime reading about ICC today. If you have any questions, please fill out the contact us form by clicking here.
In addition, you can send us your inquiries at info@iccbinghamton.org
or mail to:
India Cultural Centre of Triple Cities Inc
1595 State Rt 26,
Vestal, NY 13850
Indian Cultural Centre of Triple Cities, Inc Bylaws