ICC Hall Rental
India Cultural Centre, with its large banquet hall with space of 3200 square feet, is available for rent for private parties, cultural, religious and milestone celebratory gatherings. Main banquet hall can accommodate 200+ people. Small hall can be available for smaller gathering of 25 or less.
Details of rental charges, the seating capacity, and other amenities available may be obtained from the event coordinator:
Send in a request with date, time and type of event to the following email addresses
E-mail: rbhandari@stny.rr.com, or info@iccbinghamton.org
Phone: You can also call the following names in the order listed.
Ramesh Bhandari at (h)607-748-9493 or his (c)607-341-2018
Vartika Dubey at 607-624-6587
You can check Availability of ICC Hall from below calendar.
You can check Availability of ICC Hall from below calendar.